Inhalers, inhalers

There are numerous types of asthma medication that can be used to help a patient that is struggling with asthma. Normally, a doctor will prescribe medications from the start of the episodes that seem to be that of asthma. If the medication helps to ease symptoms, the patient is considered to have asthma. In other instances, medications can be given after the diagnosis has been made that the patient has asthma. Read more . . .

Asthma causes

The asthma diagnosis comes from a series of medical tests. In many instances, a doctor will be able to determine if a patient has asthma and diagnose them right on the spot. In these cases, the diagnosis will be determined by the patient’s medical history. The doctor will look at the patient’s history of illness as well as his family history to determine if the signs and symptoms there are likely to be that of asthma. Additionally, most doctors will use a simple examination to confirm their diagnosis of the asthma condition. Read more . . .


Is there a cure for asthma? We know that there are millions of people around the world suffering from asthma, but the cure for this condition may or may not be in the works. If you suffer from asthma, there are a lot of things that you can do to just about cure your asthma attacks. The chronic condition of asthma is something that many suffer from every day of their lives. But, with the help of proper medications, possibly even all natural treatments for asthma, and the right type of lifestyle, those that have asthma may be able to avoid and even cure the symptoms that they face. Read more . . .

Asthma causes

Allergic asthma treatment is often a necessary treatment for those asthma patients who face asthma attacks that are triggered or brought on by existing allergies they have. Those who suffer from allergic asthma are known to have chronic inflammatory conditions within their breathing airways. Those who face allergic types of asthma will have an asthma attack brought on by the various types of contact such as dust, pollen, dander and even mold. It is important to take note of the treatment for this type of asthma although the treatment method often starts by learning what the allergy is. Read more . . .

Human lungs

We do not hear much about a condition known as “Brittle asthma”. Yet, the brittle form of asthma is a more severe form than other forms of asthma. This rare asthma condition is characterized by its severity as well as how it will limit an individual from performing his/her day to day tasks as well as living. Those who suffer from the Brittle form of asthma usually have inflamed and often constricted airways. When they experience an asthma attack, they will have severe chest pains and will likely be unable to breathe comfortably. Read more . . .