Walking by the beach


Asthma is known as a chronic inflammatory disease that makes airways (bronchial tubes) particularly sensitive to irritants, and this is characterized by difficulty in breathing.

Asthma is a highly ranked chronic health problem in adults in most western countries, and it is the leading chronic illness of children.

Asthma cannot be cured, but for most patients it can be managed so that they have only minimal and infrequent symptoms and they can live an active life. Read more . . .

Asthma - Inhaler use

Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterized by difficulties of breathing.  People with asthma have  extra sensitive, hyper-responsive airways.  During the course of an asthma attack,  irritated airways react by constricting and narrowing.   This causes high resistance to airflow and obstructs the flow of air through the bronchial passages to and from the lungs. Read more . . .

The Allergy Pathway

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that makes bronchial tubes predominantly sensitive to irritants. This is characterized by difficulties of breathing.

The warning signs of asthma include:

Read how this person cured his asthma the natural way

* Shortness of breath.    Asthma patients often say they feel as though they can’t catch their breath,  they feel breathless or out of breath.  They feel like they can’t get enough air into or out of their lungs. Read more . . .

Lady biker


Asthma is a recurring condition of the lungs that is characterized by difficulty in breathing. People with asthma have ultrasensitive or hyper-responsive air passageways.

During an asthma attack, the airways tend to become irritated then starts to constrict and become narrow thus resulting to an increase in airflow resistance, and obstructs the flow of the air passages from and to the lungs. Read more . . .

Cigarette smoker


Why is asthma found more commonly in the western world? What causes asthma?  Why do some people develop asthma while others don’t?

Asthma is a chronic lung condition that is characterized by difficulty in breathing. People with asthma have extra sensitive and/or hyper-responsive airways. During an asthma attack, their airways become irritated for one of several reasons, and react by narrowing and constricting.  This causes increased resistance to airflow, and obstructs the flow of the air passages to and from the lungs.  It becomes hard to breathe. Read more . . .