Asthma Trends

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that makes the air passageways or bronchial tubes particularly sensitive to irritants. It is characterized by difficulty in breathing.

Asthma is ranked as a topmost chronic health condition in adults in most Western countries. It is also the leading chronic illness of children. The rate of asthma is on the increase particularly in the Western world.

Read how this person cured his asthma the natural way

Most people in Western countries suffer from allergies compared to people in the less affluent rural parts of the world, and allergy rates are also on the increase. Read more . . .

Allergic rhinitis

Why is asthma more prevalent in the western world? What is the cause of asthma?  Why is it that some people develop asthma, while others don’t?

Asthma is a chronic lung condition characterized by a difficulty in breathing. Those who suffer with asthma have extra sensitive and/or hyper-responsive airways. When an asthma attack occurs, the airways become irritated for one of several reasons and react by becoming narrow and constricted.  There is an increased resistance to airflow and an obstruction of air passing to and from the lungs.  People with asthma find it hard to breathe. Read more . . .