Sleeping fat cat

Asthma is a chronic lung affliction that is characterized by difficulties in breathing.  People who suffer from asthma have hyper-responsive or extra sensitive airways.  In the course of an asthma attack, the airways suffer irritation and react by constricting and narrowing, resulting in increased resistance to airflow, and obstruction of the flow of air flow through the air passages to and from the lungs. The reason of the inflammation  underlying most asthma in younger sufferers is the result of one or more allergies. Read more . . .

 Asthma causes

Allergies are not a laughing matter for anyone, and for everyone.  They can make you feel weak and terrible. Scientists have established that allergies might be genetic. It is not yet proven, but studies are being done to find support for this theory.   Scientists believe that a child may inherit allergies or asthma  in their genes.

A thorough examination of the symptoms is required in order to determine the difference between allergies and asthma attacks.   If your  concerns are asthma-related,   you will have difficulty breathing at times and your chest seems to tighten. Read more . . .