Human lungs

We do not hear much about a condition known as “Brittle asthma”. Yet, the brittle form of asthma is a more severe form than other forms of asthma. This rare asthma condition is characterized by its severity as well as how it will limit an individual from performing his/her day to day tasks as well as living. Those who suffer from the Brittle form of asthma usually have inflamed and often constricted airways. When they experience an asthma attack, they will have severe chest pains and will likely be unable to breathe comfortably.

One of the problems with the Brittle form of asthma is that it is very difficult to cure. In most cases, Brittle asthma does not respond well to the medications that other types of asthma do. In fact, many of the medications used to treat ordinary asthma will not work well for those that face the Brittle form of the condition. On top of that, the term Brittle comes from the fact that the individual who has this type of asthma often experience changes in his or her condition quickly, without much reasoning nor warning. Simply, it is brittle.

Read how this person cured his asthma the natural way

Normally, there are two types of Brittle. In type 1 Brittle, the patient will need to take in steroids on a daily basis to just make it through the day. At times, they will experience life threatening asthma attacks that are very similar to other asthma attacks but more severe. When in a weakened condition, sufferers will need to be admitted to the hospital for care. In type 2 Brittle, the overall condition is improved every day but even without warning, asthma attacks will be life threatening and will cause them to end up in the hospital. Brittle asthma is quite serious and life threatening and should not be left untreated.

Filed under: Asthma