Sleeping fat cat

Asthma is a chronic lung affliction that is characterized by difficulties in breathing.  People who suffer from asthma have hyper-responsive or extra sensitive airways.  In the course of an asthma attack, the airways suffer irritation and react by constricting and narrowing, resulting in increased resistance to airflow, and obstruction of the flow of air flow through the air passages to and from the lungs. The reason of the inflammation  underlying most asthma in younger sufferers is the result of one or more allergies. Compared to people in less affluent rural parts of the world, a larger number of people in western countries are affected by allergies.   In addition, allergy rates are on the rise.  This is a concerning information, particularly when allergies affect young children.

There is increasing evidence that virtually demonstrates that asthma is an environmentally-induced disease.  This would suggest that asthma may be able to be prevented by modifying our environment. The treatment of asthma, by eliminating the allergic cause,  can be very successful when the trigger is easily removed. An example of this is when the allergic trigger is a vapour or dust inhaled only on the job. This is also true when the trigger is a domestic pet such as a cat or dog, an allergic source that could easily be eliminated from the environment of the person with asthma.

Unfortunately, though, reluctance to part with a much-loved pet commonly prevents using this successful measure. The most common reason of asthma is a house dust mite allergy. Sufficiently eradicating mites to have a great effect on asthma requires a major lifestyle change on the part of the sufferer and is very pricey to achieve.

Read how this person cured his asthma the natural way

In the future there may be treatments which modify, diminish  or even abolish the allergic process in the body.  Due to the large number of asthma sufferers in the world, not surprisingly, this is an area of considerable research.

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