Blue asthma inhaler

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that makes airways (bronchial tubes) specifically sensitive to irritants, and this is characterized by difficulty in breathing.

Asthma is a highly ranked chronic health condition in adults in most western countries, and it is the leading chronic disease of children.

Asthma cannot be treated, but for most patients, it can be controlled so that they have only minimal and infrequent signs and they can live an active life.

Read how this person cured his asthma the natural way

If you have asthma, managing it is an essential part of your life. Managing your asthma means staying away from things that bother your airways and taking medicines as directed by your doctor. If you have asthma, it is crucial to know how to take care of yourself.

It is important that you work with your physician to make an action plan that you are both happy with. As part of this, you are required to :

– Tell your doctor about all other medications and drugs you are presently taking, in case one of them affects your asthma.
– Follow your asthma action plan religiously and have regular checkups.
– Learn to use your medication properly. Request your doctor to teach you how to use your inhaler. This is very crucial. If inhalers are incorrectly used, less medication gets into the airways.
– If you are having troubles taking your asthma medicine, seek your doctor’s advice immediately.

You also need to learn to identify and avoid the things that can trigger or even worsen your asthma symptoms. These include :

– If animal dander is a problem for you, keep your pet outside the house and/or at least out of your bedroom and wash your pet often, or give it a new home.
– Do not smoke or permit smoking in your home.
– If pollen is a problem for you, and the pollen count is high, stay indoors with the air conditioner turned on.
– To control dust mites, wash your pillows, sheets, blankets, and stuffed toys once a week in hot water. You can get special dust proof covers for your pillows and mattress.
– To prevent colds and flu, wash your hands often and ensure to get a flu shot every year. Children with asthma should get regular flu shots, too.
– If cold air bothers you, wear a scarf over your nose and mouth during winter time.
– If you get asthma when you exercise or do routine physical activities like climbing stairs, discuss with your doctor and find ways to be active without having asthma symptoms. Physical activity is essential.
– If you have allergy with sulphites, avoid foods (like dried fruit) or beverages (like wine) that contain them. For instance, sodium metabisulphite (E220–227) may also trigger asthma, but not via an allergic reaction. It can be found in fizzy drinks, wine, home-brewed beer, prepared meats and prepared salads.
– Never allow smoking indoors unless there is a room reserved for smokers and which has a separate ventilation system to exhaust smoke outside. Do not allow smoking around anyone with asthma.
– Try to keep humidity levels inside the house between 30 and 50 percent. High humidity can promote growth of biological agents that may trigger asthma attacks. Open windows or use exhaust fans in the kitchen or bathroom areas when cooking, using the dishwasher, or taking showers. Make sure clothes dryers are vented to the outdoors, and if necessary, use a dehumidifier in the basement.
– Never use humidifiers, as much as possible. If it cannot be avoided, make sure to clean it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Refill it daily with fresh water to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
– Minimize, if not, totally avoid, exposure to combustion particles and gases that can cause breathing difficulties for people with asthma. Have combustion-powered furnaces, heaters, or stoves, checked yearly to make sure they are operating properly. Replace furnace filters according to the manufacturer’s instructions, or every month or two during periods of use. Consider installing higher efficiency filters to lessen the number of particles in the air. Never use a gas stove to heat the home, and always use the exhaust fan when using a gas stove in cooking.
– Avoid sprays like perfumes, deodorants, or air fresheners. Odours from paint, and strong smelling cleaners may start a child’s asthma attack.
– Keep the house always clean to reduce allergens like microscopic pollen, dust mites, and animal dander. Use an allergen-proof comforter and cover mattresses and box springs in vinyl covers. Frequently wash beddings in hot (130°F) water.
– Avoid furnishings that usually collect dust. Ensure to eliminate cockroaches. Ensure to keep pets out of the bedrooms of family members with asthma. Consider using a high-efficiency vacuum filter or a vacuum system that is vented to the outside when cleaning the house. If possible, remove the drapes, carpeting, and all upholstered furniture from the bedrooms of those suffering from asthma.
– You have to be always alert for warning signs of an asthma attack :
– Watch for symptoms ( wheezing, chest tightness, coughing and difficulty breathing) and use your medication as directed by your doctor.
– Use your peak flow meter as directed to check your asthma.

Lastly, you must adopt a healthy lifestyle. While a healthy lifestyle may not keep you from having problems with asthma or allergies, being healthier in general can’t hurt. Exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fats and sugars, get enough rest, try to find ways to manage stress in your life, and don’t smoke.

If your asthma is not under control, there will be symptoms that you should not ignore. The following are some indications that your asthma is getting worse:

– Your asthma symptoms occur more often.
– Your asthma symptoms are worse than previously.
– Your asthma symptoms are bothering you a lot at night and making you sleepless.
– You are missing work or school because of your asthma.
– Your peak flow number is low or differs greatly from morning to evening.
– Your asthma medications appear not to be working very well anymore.
– You have to use your short-acting “rescue” or “”quick relief”” inhaler more often. (Using quick relief medicine every day, or using more than one inhaler a month is not good)
– You have to rush to the emergency room or doctor because of an asthma attack.
– You end up in the hospital because of your asthma episodes.

If your asthma appears to be getting worse, go and see your doctor. You may have to change your medication or do other things to get your asthma under control.

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